Protect Your Cell Sturcture with Teagreen 97

Protect Your Cell Sturcture with Teagreen 97

If there was a supplement that wore a superhero cape that would be Tegreen 97. The reason why Tegreen 97 wears a cape is that it helps our body at a cellular level protecting us from free radicals.

Teagreen 97 contains antioxidants that help promote long-term cellular health. This supplement helps defend your body against free radicals at a cellular level which helps protect cell structures like DNA and cell membranes from getting damaged. 

The antioxidants in green tea are called polyphenols which are broken down into different types of groups. One group is called polyphenols called catechins which is what helps neutralize free radicals at the cellular level. Catechins also prompt metabolic function and decrease bloating.

Tegreen 97 contains green tea that is grown in the Zhejiang Province of China. Pharmanex uses only the finest leaf buds and young leaves of the tea plant to help create the high-quality Teagreen 97.

Each capsule contains the equivalent of 7 cups of green tea and is 99.5% caffeine-free. There is 1.5 to 2 mg of caffeine per capsule which is well below the stimulatory level. A cup of coffee contains 100 to 150 mg of caffeine.

Teagreen 97 is recommended for those who have a hectic or busy stressful lifestyle, or those exposed to pollution. It is also recommended for those who want to enhance the body’s metabolic rate.

Are you ready to take on the free radicals in your body? If so, order your Teagreen 97 from Dr. Sparkle today!

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