Let’s talk about collagen! This naturally occurring protein is the key to maintaining that youthful, glowing look that we all want. The best part is, you already have loads of it in your skin! Wrinkles and fine lines occur when your collagen becomes unhealthy, this naturally happens with age - BUT, there are ways that you can maintain and regenerate healthy collagen to keep your beautiful self looking young. Let’s look a little further into this incredible protein…
What is collagen?
Collagen is a protein that makes up over 75% of your skin. It’s unique triple helix shape helps bind your skin cells together and that helps them maintain their shape. When you have healthy collagen, your skin will appear to be soft, bouncy and have more natural elasticity - meaning less wrinkles and fine lines. Unhealthy collagen causes, you guessed it, signs of aging!
Protecting collagen
The most effective way to protect and prevent degradation of the collagen that you already have is to avoid UVA and UVB radiation. That means sunscreen! What are some signs you need to wear sunscreen? The only sign is if you have a face! I cannot stress the importance of a good SPF to keep your collagen protected.
The second most effective preventative measure you can take is to load up on supplementation with both oral and topical antioxidants. Antioxidants are amazing because they fight free radicals (molecules in your skin that damage collagen) from UV light, ozone toxicity, pollution, cigarette smoke (don’t smoke!) and internal metabolic processes that happen naturally. Antioxidants protect the healthy functions of your skin and keep you looking and feeling great!
Creating new collagen
While it’s extremely important to keep the collagen you already have in your skin healthy, there are also plenty of steps you can take to promote the synthesis of new, healthy collagen. One of the best ways is to get yourself some vitamin C. Consuming it through fruits and veggies is a great place to start, but topical serums and creams can add even more vitality to your skin.
Another great way to generate new collagen is through chemical exfoliants like alpha hydroxy and polyhydroxy acids. They might sound scary, but they will become your new best friend. These acids work to strip away dead skin and stimulate cell renewal. New cells means new collagen!
Additionally, supplementing with a bioactive form of internally consumed collagen will increase collagen production by the tissues. The key here is to make sure you have the right product that is the proper size and structure to produce results. How do you find this product?? Well we’ve done it again, the science behind the newest Nuskin launch is one you’ll want to be a part of! Available now! https://dr-sparklestore.myshopify.com/products/collagen
Nuskin Products That Generate New Collagen
Coming this summer, Nuskin has released a brand new product called Collagen Nectar! This scientifically proven supplement paired with the ageLOC LumiSpa is a great way to promote the generation of new, healthy collagen. The LumiSpa alone, without the added supplementation is proven to increase collagen in your skin by up to 39%! This product sells out quickly, so if you’re ready to get started with this amazing skincare tool, get it here! https://dr-sparklestore.myshopify.com/products/ageloc-lumispa, and grab Collagen Nectar as well! https://dr-sparklestore.myshopify.com/products/collagen
Because collagen gives the skin its strength, durability and smooth, plump appearance, it’s so important to protect and promote collagen growth. Taking good care of your skin means taking care of your collagen. And remember, take your antioxidant supplements too!